I’m Rachel. I’m the Marketing and Communications Partner for Platfform Wellbeing.

I manage all things creative. Working on both print and digital design as well as social media management and creating content that captivates the fantastic work the counsellors and associates do.

I’m always researching why workplaces should put their wellbeing strategy at the forefront and getting the word out about the amazing work Platfform Wellbeing can do for your business.

Like a lot of people, I’ve experienced struggles with mental health, especially after losing a family member. Over the years exercise has become a big part of my life to help enhance my own wellbeing. Being outdoors and practising self-kindness really helps when I’m feeling overly anxious.

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my partner, family and friends, going on scenic walks with my beagle and watching the six nations (possibly her favourite time of year)!