Conversations that matter: Supporting your team through burnout

At Platfform, we understand that not knowing what to say during certain areas of conversation like burnout is a common experience, especially for managers and team leaders.

This session provides a supportive environment to explore these conversations, helping you build the confidence to have meaningful conversations and ensure your words genuinely reflect your intentions.

Understanding and addressing burnout

Burnout is a term we hear often in today’s workplace, but knowing how to support a team member experiencing it can be challenging. This interactive lunch and learn session aims to provide a clear understanding of burnout, its underlying causes, and strategies to help prevent it within your team.

During this session, we will:

  • Discuss the latest research on burnout and its implications in the workplace.
  • Hear lived experiences of burnout and identify what we can all do to help.
  • Explore the concept of compassion and its role in creating environments that protect against burnout.

This is also a safe space for you to share your experiences, and ask Sian any questions about supporting others through burnout and workplace practices.

We’ll help you to go…

  • From feeling overwhelmed about having certain conversations, to building your confidence that your words reflect your true intent.
  • From feeling isolated in these challenges to being part of a supportive community of workplace professionals committed to supporting their teams.

Small groups with the opportunity to bring your questions

Each session is limited to 20 participants, providing an opportunity to share personal experiences of living with or supporting others through burnout, as well as time to ask Sian questions.

Pay what you can donations

(Minimum donation £1)

To ensure our sessions are accessible to all, we are offering a “pay what you can” model for attendance. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide these valuable resources and support services.

  • £ 15 could provide a Welcome Pack, helping someone entering supported housing feel safe and secure
  • £ 25 could fund a 1-2-1 counselling session for someone who needs to talk
  • £ 50 could help our housing projects provide someone with the essentials in their new home