These events aim to have wider, strategic learning sessions that spark ideas and connect people across the UK with similar challenges.

System Convening in City of London

31st July – TBC

No wrong door

Wednesday June 26th: 12 – 1:30pm via Zoom

We heard from Homeless Network Scotland, about the work they have been leading in Scotland looking to embed a No Wrong Door approach across public services.

In the session, they talked about delivering this work on the ground, and  how they have helped create the conditions needed to explore this approach and make it a reality.

Watch recording

Audit and commissioning: are they the barriers we think they are?

Thursday, June 6: 10 – 11:30am via Zoom

Trying to change things across systems, we can hit barriers. Consistently, two of those perceived barriers can be commissioning and procurement processes – or the worry about what the audit office in our respective countries might say.

Traditional ways of working and fear of repercussions can really prevent creative, strengths-based approaches from being explored. But what if it doesn’t have to be a barrier? This session heard from three people in Wales who are working to tackle this – who say it doesn’t have to be that way.

We heard from:

  • Maria Bell, Head of Policy, National Commissioning Board
  • Richard Dooner, Procurement Lead at the Welsh Local Government Association
  • Chris Bolton, Research and Development Manager, Audit Wales

Watch recording


The New System Alliance is brought to you by; Mayday Trust, Homeless Network Scotland and Platfform with the vital support of the National Lottery Community Fund.

Together we are influencing systems change through delivering strengths-based work and sharing our learning with organisations and areas across the UK.